
Informed Kick off meeting program

09 March 2015

San Pau, Barcelona (Spain)

Kick off Meeting at San Pau - Barcelona, Spain

Kick off Meeting, 9-11 march 2015

20 June 2023

By: FL


Mediterranean forests are complex social-ecological systems that provide multiple goods and services.

20 June 2023


The annual meeting INFORMED

The annual meeting INFORMED will be held in Strunjan, Slovenia

20 June 2023

By: FL


10 questions of global understanding, 10 questions for locally specific answers

18 July 2017

By: FL


Definitions of common terms shared by scientists from different disciplines and practitioners working together in the social-ecological framework of the project.
The 4th Mediterranean Forest Week

16 March 2015

San Pau, Barcelone, Spain

4th Mediterranean Forest Week

4th Mediterranean Forest Week (March 16th-20st, 2015, Barcelona, Spain)

20 June 2023

By: Marie-Claude Bouhedi

Final project meeting

The final project meeting will be held in Zagreb 8th May 2018

20 June 2023

By: Marie-Claude Bouhedi

International Conference Zagreb 9th May 2018

From science to practice, what can be learned from interdisciplinary research in relation to future ecosystem services of Mediterranean forests?

20 June 2023

By: Marie-Claude Bouhedi

INFORMED at the EuroScience Open Forum ESOF2018

Resilience and adaptation of forest social-ecological systems in the context of global change