20 questions addressed in collaboration with Stakeholders


10 questions of global understanding, 10 questions for locally specific answers

10 questions of global understanding

  1. How changes in biodiversity structures and functions may impact resilience at different temporal and spatial scales in Mediterranean forests?
  2. How social, economic, political and institutional changes may impact resilience at different temporal and spatial scales in Mediterranean forests?
  3. How are resilience thresholds determined by the interactions of biodiversity and climatic or anthropic pressure?
  4. How can resilience be monitored at different temporal and spatial scales to enable efficient management (components of resilience and indicators)?
  5. What are the different ways to manage biodiversity at different temporal and spatial scales?
  6. How are the ecological structures and processes impacted by management?
  7. What social, economic, political and institutional tools do we have to foster strategies for adaptation or adaptive management strategies?
  8. What experience of strategies for adaptation and adaptive management strategies do we have today in the Mediterranean forests?
  9. How do the social, economic, political and institutional structures and processes influence management decisions and implementation?
  10. How is forests resilience included in the current policy agenda and legislation/national policy?

10 questions for locally specific answers

  1. What are the main ecological drivers of the resilience of the target ecosystem services?
  2. Who are the actors and what are the main social, economic, political and institutional drivers of the resilience of the target ecosystem services?
  3. How do these multiple ecological and socio-economic drivers interact in space and time?
  4. How do the local socioeconomic and environmental context and current management determine the positive or negative correlations among target and non-target ecosystem services?
  5. Which are the current limits of local resilience in face of global pressure (climatic or social)?
  6. What global change scenarios can we propose to explore future technical and social options?
  7. What improved management practices or technical innovations can we propose to foster ecological components of resilience?
  8. What social, economic, political or institutional innovations can we propose to foster social components of resilience and/or to support practices that foster ecological resilience?
  9. What are the benefits and risks for the target and non-target ecosystem services associated to the proposed management practices and social innovations in the context of change?
  10. Are there evident conflicts among stakeholders/institutions/markets/public that block efficient measures that would foster forest ecosystem resilience?