Informed Kick off meeting program
Kick off Meeting at San Pau - Barcelona, Spain

Kick off Meeting at San Pau - Barcelona, Spain

09 March 2015

San Pau, Barcelona (Spain)

Kick off Meeting, 9-11 march 2015

diaporama kick off meeting

 Fifty one participants attended the kick-off meeting of INFORMED, a collaborative project of the ERA-Net FORESTERRA which involves 15 partners representing 21 research groups from 10 countries. Thanks to EFIMED, the meeting was held in the very inspiring site of Sant Pau, Barcelona, 9-11 March 2015.
 After welcome by Nicolas Robert from EFIMED, David Gonzalez-Martinez, FORESTERRRA coordinator, opened the meeting providing recent news on the ERA-Net. The meeting was organised in plenary and parallel sessions, alternatively.  Three externals scientists, member of the Scientific Advisory Group, were asked to give their views on specific aspects of the project based on their own experience.
 During the first plenary session, François Lefèvre, Lluis Coll, Ricardo Alia, Davide Pettenella and Hamed Daly-Hassen, the work-package leaders, presented a detailed overview of the project and challenges. Christian Messier, from Laval University (Canada), gave his personal views on two challenging objectives of our project : to achieve multidisciplinary science and to turn scientific knowledge into impacts. Then, a plenary workshop was dedicated to data management and data sharing, which is a central issue in the project. After a general presentation on strategies, methods and tools given by Christian Pichot, Jerry Vanclay, member of the Advisory Group from South Cross University (Australia), illustrated from his own experience the importance of data sharing. Another workshop addressed the issue of interdisciplinary integration in the case studies : after a standard description of the four integrated case studies of the project given by Lluis Coll, Ricardo Alia, Hendrik Davi and Hamed Daly-Hassen, Max Moritz, from Berkeley University (US) shared with us his experience in this field in fire ecology research. Apart from these workshops, a large part of the meeting was devoted to the practical organisation of 1st year work, discussed in parallel sessions for each work-package and in plenary for interlinking among work-packages.
 This is an ambitious project. Work has started well, we must go on !
