Bloc Libre


Bloc Libre



WP leader

F. Lefèvre, P1


P1, P8, P12, P13, P14 & all partners for reporting

WP1, the Coordination Group will collectively manage the project through three main activities: (i) the coordination and follow-up of the work plan, reporting to the FORESTERRA Governing Board, (ii) the development of shared trans-disciplinary culture in forestry research within the consortium, with the help of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG), (iii) the definition and implementation of the dissemination plan, with the help of the Stakeholder Panel (SP)

T1.1. Project coordination and reporting to FORESTERRA Governing Board


To facilitate collaborative research activities, follow-up the project work plan, and report according to the FORESTERRA rules. Each partner will be responsible for other national reporting, according to national regulations, whenever needed.


The project coordinator will prepare a Consortium Agreement to be signed by all partners at the beginning of the project. Project coordination will mainly be achieved through the kick-off and annual plenary meetings, to which SAG and SP will be invited. A project web-page, including collaborative tools, and e-newsletter, connected to EUFORMAG, will be developed. The project Coordination Group will have regular phone or video-conference.


D1.1, D1.2


M1.1, M1.2

T1.2. Capacity building and development of a common interdisciplinary culture


To spread scientific expertise and innovative research practices in the different disciplines, and develop a common interdisciplinary culture within the consortium.


Mobilities of scientists and students will be a major tool for reciprocal capacity building between partners, providing supervised access to infrastructures (case study sites or laboratory facilities) and modeling tools. In close collaboration with the SAG, specific effort will be devoted to develop a common interdisciplinary culture: in particular, scientific workshops and seminars organised by each WP will happen during the annual plenary meeting so that all partners can attend and contribute. Workshops will invite scientists from other networks, such as the Resilience Alliance or the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change. Contacts will also be taken with the FORESTERRA MedWildFireLab Networking Action to organize joint events. One training session for professionals and students will be organised, in relation with CIHEAM, and an opinion paper promoting the meta-disciplinary approach of resilience in the Mediterranean forests will be produced.


D1.3, D1.4



T1.3. Definition and implementation of a dissemination plan


To design and implement a dissemination plan in close collaboration with the SP.


Beyond academic productions and open data policy (see WP5) targetting the scientific community, training courses and summer-schools, a detailed dissemination plan targetting different kinds of stakeholders at local, national and international scale will be consolidated jointly with the SP. Following a co-constructive approach, the SP will contribute to all steps of the process: to the expression of the needs, to the review of the dissemination products and to the dissemination itself. The dissemination plan includes at least three stakeholder-oriented publications and one final conference “From science to practice, what can be learnt from scientific simulation models and case studies in relation to the future of Mediterranean forests?”. A draft of a book will be proposed for the EFI series “What Science Can Tell Us?”


D1.5, D1.6, D1.7 (see also deliverables from other WPs)


M1.4, M1.5